You have to press the button at the right time and only with foods that are in the recipe.
Controls: 1, 2, 3.

ART:  Ammsapphire
AUDIO: Thimras
CODING: Gabriel, Zig.

You are Vag'Druleth. And this is your life.
Pain. Torture. Suffering. For Eternity.
What? Oh, no, you're not doing the suffering.
You're doing the torturing.

But after a few thousand years, even a job with absolute creative freedom can become a little stale.
The moans, groans, cries, whimpers, whines and wheezes of the damned begin to lack a certain... flavor.

You've heard it all, the ouch, the argh, the pleas and begging to stop, oh, just for a minute, just for a second, it's all the same. Uninspiring. Until you began torturing this food critic. Their tales of garlic, oysters, cheeses and wine seemed like a fairy tale, a whole new world to explore...


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Great graphics, nice gameā€¦

Art style and idea are strong but its seems when you die there is no way to get back to the game for me? Unless of course I refresh the browser but that's pretty inconvenient.